"Tension is who you
think you should be.
Relaxation is who you are."

~ Lao Tzu

Qigong online English

The gentle flowing movements of Qigong make the body free and supple, the mind inwardly centered and still, the mood calm and enjoyable. Qigong is an ancient Chinese exercise method for obtaining tranquility, keeping the body vital or regaining new vitality, developing mental strength and purifying the body. It activates the parasympathetic nervous system and strengthens the immune system.

In China, it has been practiced for thousands of years by young and old alike as Qigong therapy! Qigong is also practiced for various illnesses, grief counseling and burnout. Experience what Qigong can do for you during a trial lesson, trial lessons can be taken at any time.


“ Qigong is not something I do, it is a way of BEING where for me it is about being conscious and fully present, in connection with what is, without resistance.”

Jacqueline Wijnen

Below is an impression of the lessons.

Lesson schedule

Interim entry into lessons is possible!

Portuguese time
19:30 – 20:30

Erkende BOCAM trainer Tai Chi & Qi Gong | Jacqueline Wijnen | Den Bosch ~ Prachtig Krachtig

Missed lessons
If you miss a lesson, you will receive a recording of the files by email.

Location: Via Zoom


€ 10,00 per lesson for one lesson per week (payment per quarter)

Cancellation 1 week before the end of the 10 lessons.

Send me an WhatsApp message: +31 6 180 187 23 or  e-mail.
Individual qigong class/workshop online on request

Individual qigong lesson/workshop on request

I also provide individual qigong lessons/workshops online on request, also in case of any physical complaints/diseases. Together we can see how we can give substance to this lesson/workshop.

Interested in an individual Qigong lesson/workshop, or would you like more information? Send me an WhatsApp message: +31 6 180 187 23 or  e-mail.

Warm greetings,
Jacqueline Wijnen


Divider Prachtig Krachtig | Jacqueline Wijnen | Den Bosch ~ Prachtig Krachtig

Reviews about 'Qigong lessons'

  • “I instantly fell in love with Qi Gong. After only the first lesson, I came home very relaxed and peaceful. Everything in my body flowed freely and gently. I slept like a rose that night. And it gives a wonderful depth to my sitting meditation.”

  • “The moment you step into the room, the peace is already palpable. Delightful one-hour, virtually uninterrupted exercises, with lovely quiet music in the background. At the end of the class the gift of a short meditation while Jacqueline plays music. I thoroughly enjoy this class every week!”

  • “At work, I work with my head a lot. In Jacqueline’s Qi Gong classes, I get out of my head and get comfortable in my body and can start to feel the energy released by the exercises. I have become more aware of tension and relaxation in my body and can feel the energy flow better and better. Qi Gong is wonderfully soothing. A moment of enjoyment every week.”

  • “In class, with her very varied choice of exercises, Jacqueline manages to create a familiar and enjoyable mood every time , where you can completely unwind. You learn to focus your attention, become aware of your body, move smoothly almost effortlessly and feel your life’s energy. Get away from the hustle and bustle of the day and come home to yourself.”

  • “Through Jacqueline’s Qi Gong classes, I have learnt to come well to myself and all the way through her teaching me how to integrate Qi Gong into my life.”

  • “A group Qi Gong class with Jacqueline has a very relaxing effect on me. The exercises are very varied, the class is never boring and over before I know it. At 70, I still feel pretty fit and I think Qi gong helps me with that.”

    Jacques de Bresser
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Divider Prachtig Krachtig | Jacqueline Wijnen | Den Bosch ~ Prachtig Krachtig